Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Floss shmoss

Who really flosses anyway? If you say you do every night, then either you are lying or you are some sort of dental kiss-up. I had a dentist appointment this morning. Gums are a bit sensitive and bleed easily when you are pregnant, so all the poking and prodding wasn't very fun. The hygienist asked me if I flossed every night, and I said, "Um, no. It makes my gums hurt. Why would I do that? I'm not a masochist."

I have never been especially fanatical about brushing and flossing, and I have never had a cavity. My current dentist also says my teeth are "bulletproof" and "just don't seem to decay." So, I think I will keep my haphazard habits and toss the floss, thank you very much.

T and I had a baby relay of sorts today. He had an appointment at 9:00 a.m., so I took Q to the dentist. We met in the parking lot for the hand off at 10:10. Then T brought Q home for the beginning of his Early Childhood meeting. I got there at 11:15 to take over for the rest of the hour. The whole family met at 12:30 for an interview for work, then we went to lunch together, and I brought Q home to pass him off to the day care provider. Whew.

We brought home four helium balloons from the shower yesterday. Q likes walking around with them all gripped in his little fists. Precious. Maybe he will grow up to be a carnie!

I am having lots of cramping today, very low in my abdomen, and the baby is sitting extremely low. I feel like I could pee at any moment. I wish I knew what was going on in there. A part of me just wants it to get going already, but it obviously would be better to hold off a few more weeks. I hate this stage when you over-think every twinge and squeeze.


1 comment:

  1. Okay, I try to floss, but it is a habit that comes and goes. But, I read an article that talked about the benefits of flossing to your heart - because your heart doesn't like inflammation anywhere. So, I started flossing again. Then, I got a file here - the guy had valve replacement surgery secondary to gum disease. Now, I assume his was pretty advanced, but it's enough to make me floss every now and then!
