Saturday, March 15, 2008

3-4 centimeters

I am now dilated slightly more to 3 to 4 centimeters. Again, that could mean the baby is coming tonight or next month. I wish I just knew when. The encouraging news is I have now reached 36 weeks, and my doctors says I won't need to give birth right next to the NICU, and the baby will be able to go right to me instead of being whisked off with specialists. That was my hope!


We got our carpets cleaned this morning, and they are gorgeous. We had so many pet stains that is was actually embarrassing, but now they are practically glowing. It is a wonderful thing. We feel like we have a new house.


As part of my next project that I am rushing to get finished before I go on maternity leave, I interviewed two women today. One is taking care of her four grandchildren, while her mother takes care of one great-grandchild. Their sacrifice and hard work amazed me while the utter disregard the mother shows to her children stunned me. It made me realize that even when I am not being a supermom and doing daily enriching craft projects with Q, I am pretty good by comparison.


1 comment:

  1. YAY YAY YAY for full term babies!!! Also on the bright side... that's 3 to 4 centimeters you won't need to dilate all at once on the big day. :) I really hope you get to hold him right away. That was the longest half-hour ever for me.
