We made it to swim lessons this morning, because he seemed okay. I saw this perfect-looking pregnant woman swimming laps and cursed her. Is she trying to make me feel bad?
My doctor's nurse called me yesterday and told me I do not have gestational diabetes, but I am anemic. I am a vegetarian, so that is always a struggle for me anyway, but it is especially common during pregnancy with all the extra blood in your body. So, now I am taking super duper iron tablets.
I am feeling a little sluggish and down lately. I think I am at the stage in my pregnancy where it still seems so far off, but I am still uncomfortable and anxious. I am excited for the baby to come, but I am much clearer this time on how challenging it all is, so there is none of the fairy tale excitement.
I know I will probably take a short maternity leave, and I feel a lot of pressure to do so, and then I know it will just be back to the work grind, just even harder than before. I am having a hard time getting myself enthused about that. T has some exciting changes headed his way career-wise, but I don't, and it's depressing me a bit. I always tell my friends who are trying to have a baby that it doesn't fix everything. It certainly is a nice addition, but you still have your old struggles and worries, just with another layer of complication.
you could always get another dog for a change! Kidding - you have enough going on. I hope Q feels better.