Sunday, January 31, 2010

Manic Sunday

You remember that Bangles song? Just another Manic Monday/Wish it was Sunday/That's my fun day/My I don't have to run day.

Truly elegant prose obviously, but I totally disagree. My Sundays are frantic. This is mostly my own doing of course. I could spread the workload to Saturday and throughout the week. But I don't, so Sundays are manic. I invariably have a long list of tasks and spend my day of rest rushing around trying to cross off all of them.

My Sundays consist of multiple loads of laundry washed, folded, hung up, and put away, meals for the week planned and grocery list compiled, vacuuming, dusting, up to four exercise classes planned for the next day, breakfast, lunch, and dinner made, church attended (if I'm feeling especially ambitious), clothes for myself and the boys laid out, workout bag, preschool bag, and diaper bag, packed and put out, running, and trying to get to bed early for my 4:45 a.m. wake up call.

It's stressful and often the tasks spill over into the week. Laundry sometimes stays piled up in laundry baskets until I get to it Monday or Tuesday. The result is I feel like I am constantly sorting, washing, folding. Not my favorite thing.

Today in typical Sunday fashion, I have a long list to accomplish (increased by the fact that T is going out of town tomorrow and my mom is coming to watch the boys and doubtlessly expecting a clean house). The day started off horrible with Q pooping his pants and being generally exasperating. But I was determined to set it back on course and dutifully cross off my list without stressing out entirely.

So far so good. At 2:25 p.m., my last load of laundry is about to go in the dryer, the meals are planned, grocery list compiled, and four classes are planned for tomorrow.

It feels good to have things under control. Until next Sunday.


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