Saturday, January 2, 2010

The first cut

With Q, I was anxious for every milestone. I couldn't wait for that first step, first word, first haircut.

With R, not so much. Now that I see how quickly they leave their babyhood behind, I am reluctant to let him grow up. He is almost 21 months and had not yet had a haircut. Of course I don't want to destroy those beautiful curls that I covet, but his bangs were getting a bit ridiculous.

His hair was getting in his eyes, driving my mom crazy, and causing most people to assume he was a girl. So, we finally made the cut.

I did it myself rather than paying for three snips. There was much complaining and squirming, but we were successful.

T says he is a bit dorky and most people still think he is a girl, but at least he can see. He's staying in his crib though. I am taking baby steps to letting my baby turn into a little boy.


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