Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Good times, old friends

There are definitely things I hate about being back in Wisconsin. For instance, it is snowing steadily now, the roads are mush, and it's not supposed to stop till tomorrow night. Also, I am cold. I feel like I have been cold since November. The lower level of our house is often 58 degrees when we wake up. We had to buy a portable heater to make it livable. Spring can not come soon enough.

But there are things I love about being back, and that more than makes up for the miserable, snowy, icy, windy winter. (Someday, someday, I am going to live somewhere tropical and be hot and sweaty everyday.) It is so great being close to my parents again. They are an hour away--just right. Granted I was the person who absolutely refused to go to college in-state and thought 500 miles away was still too close. And I eventually got a job almost 2,000 miles away. But after 12 years, I have to admit it is good to be back.

I love the boys seeing their grandparents and cousins often. I love popping over for New Year's Day dinner or to celebrate my dad's birthday. The passage of time makes you value these things so much more.

The other thing I treasure is old friends. There are many people to whom I was joined at the hip in high school whom I haven't seen since then. Now I see several of them often. And it is just great. Five of us got together for dinner on Saturday. We were all on cross country and track together and now are at various stages of life. But from the first moment I see them, I feel entirely comfortable. There is just something about old friends. They know your history. New friends you are almost a little on edge, trying to prove that you are good friend material. Trying to win them over. Old friends know you and love you. They know what you looked like when you were 13. They are priceless.

This Saturday, despite a two-hour wait for dinner, we talked and laughed over glasses of wine, dinner, and french fries for dessert. We planned to do it often, maybe even monthly. It was easy and relaxing and just fun.

It's good to be home.


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