Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Pollen pain

I have an allergy conundrum. My allergies lately are driving me absolutely insane. The horrible itching eyes that make me want to scratch my eyes out, the constant sneezing, the runny nose, the scratchy throat! Ick! I have found Zyrtec (the generic kind) works pretty well to kick my symptoms (better than Claritin), but it makes me feel a little like a zombie. I feel like I am moving in slow motion and am desperate for a nap. It dulls me. So I am not sure which way to go. Today my eyes were red and my sneezes continuous, so I had to give in and swallow a Zyrtec. Like clockwork, it made me super drowsy but after a nap, I was back on my feet. Still with that hazy, blah feeling though. What to do? It's an annoying situation.

I didn't always have allergies. I am one of the lucky people who developed them later in life. I started sneezing and rubbing my eyes in Oregon. I thought maybe I was just more sensitive to the highly allergic region. I lived in a valley, and pollen and particulates were often trapped in the air. I hoped I would leave my allergies behind when I relocated, but no. They packed their bags and came with me. Now they seem to be worse than ever. I find myself just digging at my tear ducts because they are so itchy and irritated. It is very frustrating.

I want to yank all my flowers out of their pots and enclose myself in a plastic bubble.


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