Thursday, July 2, 2009

Kid games

I was pulling out all the stops today. I just couldn't come up with enough ideas to keep the kidlings busy. Q would not lay down for a nap. R took a brief one but then was wide-eyed and ready to go.

So, we went upstairs and played with trains and trucks and puzzles and a shopping cart and stuffed animals and watched "Clifford" on PBS. Then we went down into their room and read book after book and pretended we were animals crawling and rolling around and making noises. Then we sang songs and did the hand motions that accompany them. Then we went outside and pulled wagons and threw balls, rolled balls, and kicked balls. We raced to the light post and back. We played follow-the-leader. We collected leaves, flowers, rocks, and sticks. We took a walk and climbed on a big rock.

And it was still only 4:00 p.m. Sometimes the days seems to be a decade long. At 4:05 however, I managed to give them a snack and get them both down for a nap (after much squealing and whining and a room change for R).

So at long last they were zonked out. It was a major effort to drag them out of bed for their 6:30 pm story time. Q put up quite a fuss and yawned throughout. Then dinner, then baths, more books, bedtime.



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