Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Last night was ridiculous. Just absolutely ridiculous. I had to laugh by the end of the night.

First, let's back up a bit. T went out of town at 5:30 a.m. Our nanny had to pick the boys up early because her husband was going out of town. So, I was rushing the kids around before 7:00 a.m. That actually went OK, and everyone was out the door on time.

During lunch, I had a small window to go vote. I drove to my polling location feeling all civically responsible, but as I started to walk to the door, I realized I didn't have my change-of-address form and proof of residency. Back to the car. Speed back to our training room. Grab paperwork. Speed back to voting location. Vote for all the right people. Speed to a sandwich place to grab lunch to go. And coffee. Speed to training room. Whew.

My parents came over last night as well to help with swim lessons and because our nanny is out of town today. Why do these things always happen at the same time? So I was trying to feed Lena, let the dog out, and get the boys changed into their suits.

I adore my dad, but he is like a big kid himself, and does not actually help me manage the situation, but rather adds to the craziness of it. At one point, Ruby escaped and nearly got hit by a car as the kids played in the driveway. My dad honestly had to step out in front of the car waving his arms. Then R took off down the sidewalk on his big wheel dragging a wagon full of pine cones behind him. We somehow managed to get everyone in the car despite tears and complaining and many bags and kid paraphernalia.

On to the Y, where R ran like a wild man ten feet in front of my dad. (My dad was taking the boys in the water so I could feed Lena and watch the boys from outside the pool). Everyone went in to the locker room and emerged in their suits, but they were still bone dry. Back into the locker room for a shower. Back out to track down their classes. Q happily paddled off in his solo class, but my dad was still trying to wrestle R. At one point I watched while my dad let R jump in. R stayed under for a full sickening two seconds, before my dad pulled him back above the water sputtering and coughing. I was just shaking my head from the sidelines.

After the lessons, it was back to the shower, in which my dad slipped and fell. I could hear them all squealing out in the hall as they splashed and used the soap dispenser on the wall liberally.

This is perhaps when the true low light of the evening occurred. Lena was cooing and smiling at passersby. I was hugging her and enjoying our time together. I lifted her up over my head as she laughed, and guessed it....she spit up all over my face. And in my mouth. It was so gross. I used my nursing cover to wipe off my hair and shirt and neck and face. But I had that sour, barf taste in my mouth, like I had done the vomiting. It was a very strange, and disgusting sensation. And one I hope never to experience again.

So the madness continues. I always tell T (and remind myself) that some day our house will be quiet and no one will be calling for us from their cribs or demanding juice or showing us what they built or drew. Someday we will look back fondly on this chaos and long for it.



  1. :p oh yuck o! I wish WISH I could say I'd never EVER heard of that happening (or had it happen to me GAG YES IT HAS) They're amazing how quickly they barf! :)
    Good luck with the craziness :) I know when my hubby is out of town I always think it would only be fair if I could go out of town when he gets back LOL...but alas...moms rarely get that! :)
    Love the blog!

  2. I agree! When my husband gets back in town, I do hand over the kids and say I am off duty!
    (On a side note--I don't know how you manage twice as many kids!)
