I diligently run on a treadmill most days of the week. It's like brushing my teeth or emptying the dishwasher. It's a necessity, and there isn't much enjoyment to it. I do it while watching Martha Stewart or Oprah and watch the minutes tick by and the tenths of a mile go up.
I much prefer running outside. I go faster and feel better. I don't lock in my speed like on a treadmill. Instead I run at a comfortable pace and when the music is fast or I feel the urge, I pick up the pace. I get that fleeting feeling of a child running for the sheer joy of it. I imagine Q joyfully shouting, "I'm going running!" as he barrels down the sidewalk at the top speed his little legs will take him, his arms flapping at his sides, giggling and out of breath.
Running should be joyful (unless you're being chased of course). I admit most days it is just a chore, but I live for the days like today when it makes me feel awake and alive. I thrive on taking deep lung-stretching breaths and feeling my heart pound strongly. I relish keeping my body strong and in shape. I appreciate how it functions in perfect harmony and endures the pounding of 26.2 miles.
Running has not always been kind to my body, from silver dollar-sized blisters to sore knees and aching hips, it has certainly taken its toll. But the good far outweighs the bad, as running keeps my heart and lungs powerful and my weight down. More than that though, it gives me a mental boost so I see my surroundings a little more clearly and feel just right on my feet and in my skin.
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