I had a cleaning too and had both boys in tow. I strapped them into their giant double stroller and rolled into the office to fill out the sheaf of paperwork. When they called our names, I wedged the behemoth stroller behind the dental chair and tried to coax Q in to the seat. He was not having it. He chewed on his shirt and looked nervous. So, the hygienist suggested I go first so Q wouldn't afraid.
This tactic didn't entirely work as the image of a woman with a surgical mask on prodding at his mother with sharp objects freaked him out a bit. I am not a big fan of dental cleanings, but I acted like it was the time of my life to get him in the chair when I was finished. (R got fussy in his stroller about halfway through to add to the stress, but another hygienist came in to distract him.)
Q finally climbed into his spot and the hygienist showed him all of the intimidating tools. He liked the feel of the polisher on his finger but not in his mouth. He would twist away after each tooth was half-cleaned, and he kept demanding to feel it on his hand again. Q was also quite skeptical of the water squirter and the vacuum tool. When you see it through their eyes again for the first time, you can see how it is all a little freaky.
I am not sure he got the most thorough cleaning ever, but we made it through. A brief battle ensued over which toothbrush and which prize to take home. But we all made it out in one piece, though I was exhausted.
It is amazing how something that used to be a quick errand turns into a major chore when you throw two energetic boys into the mix.
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