I created a potty chart with columns for sitting on the potty (0), going pee-pee (1), and poo-poo (2). He gets a sticker for each accomplishment on his chart and one to wear as well with the coveted Thomas the Tank Engine stickers reserved for the pee-pee and poo-poo. He proudly wore his sticker to bed last night and peed twice this morning again. He is quite pleased with himself and likes flushing the potty. I am proud of him but also looking forward to getting one child out of diapers. The "2" column is still empty and pooping will take some effort. But still, this is quite an achievement in the MM household!
This morning after reading books to Q on the potty for 20 minutes, changing diapers twice, and then trying to coax Ruby to poop in the yard, it occurred to me how much of my life revolves around excrement right now. Try not to be too jealous.
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