T and I were invited to a wedding of a co-worker months ago. We RSVPed yes and were looking forward to the night out. Then we found out that T's parents were coming that weekend. T was raised Catholic so we baptized Q in the Catholic church and planned to do the same with R. The baptism however was scheduled at 6:45 the night of the wedding. The wedding was at 5:00. So, we figured we'd go to the wedding, slip over to the baptism, and then hit the reception.
My first dilemma was finding a dress that was cute enough for a wedding but demure enough for a christening. I looked around for awhile until I found this gem. (It was demure with a sweater) Then our next problem was when the wedding started 50 minutes late. We nervously wondered what was going on as we checked our watches. The wedding finally got underway just before 6:00, so we knew we had to plan our exit. We didn't even make it to the vows unfortunately. When everyone stood up for the gospel reading, we slipped out ignoring a few curious looks.

The food was wonderful and the wine even better, but our table was a bit strange. I sat next to a skinny older woman who bore a striking resemblance to Cruella De Ville. She and her husband drank so much that she eventually slumped over in her chair hiccuping until someone led her away. Before that, she and he husband talked our ears off. Her husband asked me how far along in my pregnancy I was. When I told him I was two months postpartum, he mumbled something about how long it takes to get your body back. Hey thanks. That pretty much crushed any self esteem I had for the night. The guests on either side of T also had a heated argument over the merits of Barack Obama as he awkwardly sat between them.
We were just finishing dinner at 11:00 p.m. and had to head home without even dancing or having cake. Kind of a strange wedding all in all, but at least we successfully completed all our church obligations for the night.
Friday: rest
Saturday: cross-train: 20 minute walk and 30 minutes of Pilates
Sunday: rest (supposed to do 9 miles but postponed till tomorrow)
145.6 lbs
It is amazing how much you managed to fit into a day !!! :) Well done ! I love the christening gown, it is a true heirloom gown. Best wishes Dana