It was a rough trip to Wisconsin. Our morning flight was cancelled, and we finally got on an 11:30 a.m. flight. One of our flights had mechanical problems, so we didn't get in until after 1:00 a.m. The boys were fairly good on the flights, but it is just exhausting. I used to not mind traveling, because I would just read or sleep. It was kind of a relief to have nothing to do. But, when you are traveling with a two-year-old and a two-month-old, you are constantly holding or entertaining someone. I would have paid a large sum of money for a nice long nap on one of those flights.
Packed flights, absent snacks, and extra expenses make me just dread traveling lately. Plus, it seems like flights are always late or cancelled. It has been so long since I have had a flight go perfectly smoothly. It seems like by the time you arrive you are so stressed out, it's barely worth it to get away! My sister, even with her four boys, always drives to her vacation destinations. Now I understand why.
You rock. I'm not courageous enough to even attempt a flight with my child. It would be fun for, oh, ten minutes.