As I type, my belly is stuffed tight and full. Swimming around in there are piles of stuffing, faux meat, sweet potatoes, green beans, rolls, cheese and crackers, and a baby who is probably also full.
T and I watched a little Green Bay Packers football this morning and then I went for a run. It was the perfect day for it with the sun shining but the air crisp and cold. It made me feel much better for our afternoon indulgence. T had his little turkey breast to himself, and we enjoyed cranberry juice and champagne. It is quite a nice little mix. Q nibbled at his small dish of Thanksgiving food and then fussed and rolled around on the ground.
Some people feel sorry for us that we have these tiny little holiday gatherings, but I really think I prefer them. I am just not a big raucous crowd kind of person. I like a few loved ones nearby, and that's good for me.
I will not be shopping tomorrow. I will be napping and laying around with my cats and my baby. A few things I am most thankful for. Oh yeah. And T.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I am opposite MM. I ran (turkey trot) then game. I was off today - work tomorrow! I hear you on the too much/too crowded. A buddy bugged me incessantly until I went over there for dinner. I really had dreams of being a couch troll, eating cheesy nachos and watching football. Instead, I got to play "guess what isn't soaked in chicken broth." WHY do people make everything taste like chicken? Happy tday.