We went down for breakfast, but Q didn't have much of an appetite. Afterward he just crumpled up on the ground on top of his favorite stuffed seal like a slug. Poor thing. I put him in his bed, and he napped for three hours. I kept looking in on him and feeling terrible for his sick little self, but I must admit it was nice to have hours of uninterrupted time. I got a lot done and spent 40 minutes on the treadmill.
When he woke up from his nap, he just wanted to be held and still was extremely sluggish. T called the doctor, and they said it was nothing to worry about, and he could still go to daycare. He spent a little more time lying on the ground and sucking his thumb. It's tough to watch! He and the cats were acting very similarly today. We are just giving him water and Tylenol and letting him rest so he can fight off whatever nasty thing has invaded his little body.
In other news, I think I can feel the other baby moving. It is so extremely hard to tell at this stage. There is always so much stuff going on in your belly it is hard to know. But, I think I feel that familiar fluttering. Last time I felt it about a week earlier, but I was also ten pounds thinner. Sigh.
That's gotta be tough to watch. Heck, it tears me apart to watch a cat acting like that! Don't you just wish he could say "ma, it's just a little cold - I'm feeling fine, so I'll just nap and it will be gone tomorrow by 7?"