The day started off with a manicure which is always a wonderful beginning. I then had to go get a few more ultrasound pictures because the technician forgot them for some reason. While she was rolling the tool around my gunked up belly, the neatest thing happened. We saw the little guy in a giant yawn. His little mouth opened up wide. It was pretty precious. It made my heart drop. Sweet little guy. He was probably thinking, 'Hey lady, why are you prodding at me and disturbing my nap?'

When I got home, I was absolutely exhausted. I drifted in and out of sleep on the couch while Q toddled around on the floor. Awhile later, I reached down and patted his little bum, and realized it was bare underneath his pajamas. I thought for a split second T had completely forgotten to put a diaper on him, until I realized the soiled diaper was somehow wedged down around his ankle. Poop was smeared all over his legs, and he peed through his pj's. He smelled just wonderful, as you can imagine. He did not enjoy the clean-up process.
Later he sought revenge by trying to kill me. I was running on the treadmill while he was playing. He started rolling my big exercise ball around and somehow wedged it under the end of the treadmill. The machine was stuck, but I was still moving. I slammed down onto the treadmill. Q was scared and started crying as I yanked the ball out. My rear and back have been hurting all day. Q may also have been trying to target his little brother in my belly. Perhaps he doesn't want someone else stealing his spotlight. I will have to watch my back.
Tonight we got a family picture taken at Sears to send out in our Christmas cards. We all dressed in shades of blue with Q in a new striped shirt and blue corduroy vest. He looked adorable but spent much of the time squealing, twisting, writhing, and attempting to escape. We pinned him as we plastered grins on our faces and tried to squeeze one little smile out of him. We finally got a single good picture, but that's all we needed. So it was a success.
I hope tomorrow is a little less interesting.