I think this project has finally convinced me to shun the sun. I was a lifeguard for several years in high school and college and always got tanned to a nice burnt ember tone. I have used tanning beds and basked sans-sunblock on the beach. But, I think it is finally time for me to actually take care of my hide. I bought the nice type of spray sunblock the dermatologist recommended (It is Neutrogena Helioplex SPF 30 if you're interested). Since I still like to actually look tan, I also got some Neutrogena spray tan that looks quite natural. So, now I feel quite virtuous. Hopefully, it's not too late for my poor sun-damaged skin.
T is actually much more at risk than me. He is a pale Irish lad, and his dad has had several melanomas removed. The poor boy just glances at the sun and gets a hideous burn. My stories also convinced T to actually go to the dermatologist and get his skin checked. The doctor removed a mole from T's back and gave him stitches. He didn't expect it to go that far on his little check-up, but I guess it is better that it did. The mole was over 6 mm which is a warning sign. He will hear back in a few days if it is anything to worry about.
Our 11 p.m. producer called in sick today. I have my doubts about her honesty. I hate people who abuse sick days. I had to produce the show then along with handing my skin cancer stuff, so it was a lot to juggle. I just think it is rude when people are willing to call in sick and disrupt their co-workers' schedules. I think we should reinstate doctor's notes.
I turned in my application today for the international exchange program. I figure it is best to be accepted and have to turn it down than to not try at all. Right?
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