I had to start the day reading stories at a children's festival. I had a nice little crowd, because it started to drizzle, and they crowded under the tent. Some kids couldn't help but rush up and touch the books, and their parents would scramble to their feet to pull them away. It was cute. The organizer wrangled Q when he got restless near the end of my reading session.
He was due for a nap, but we had swimming lessons right away. I let him lay down for about 10 minutes, but then it was into the suit and off to the pool.
It was drizzly and cold out. Q did not want to go in the water, and he made it known. He clung to me and squealed when the teacher tried to put him on the slide. We had to cut the class a little short, so he could wail in the changing room while I washed him off.
Tomorrow, I am planning a pre-swimming lesson nap. Hopefully, we will be more successful.
Still now word about the cousin in utero.
I am starting to feel a few twinges of wanting another baby. T wants to wait longer. What does he know?
So, I was consulting with a certain very pregnant sister. If she names her kid P, and we already have a Q, R, S, T - does that stick you with naming the next one O or U?? Just may want to make you wait until she has one more and you can have N or V.