In other news, we completely moved this weekend. T says we are now living like the Amish because we have no cable, Tivo, or Internet until Friday. Mind you, we still have over-the-air TV, but for us this is roughing it.
We worked all weekend and got completely moved. Neither of us likes to leave things undone, so we even hung pictures, set up the guest room, and put away every piece of clothing. I am so excited about the new house. It has a nice big pantry, and everything is just bigger. It's not exactly cavernous or anything, but it feels nice and roomy to us.
When the last people moved out, they told us they could not find their yellow cat named Pumpkin. I don't think I would be able to leave without either of our cats, but they really had no choice. While T and I were moving in, we noticed this fluffy yellow cat watching us from a storm drain. We worked on luring him out and called the couple. They rushed over and caught him. The woman was crying when she finally grabbed him. It made us so happy to reunite them.
Our cats are going batty in their new place. They don't know what to make of their new cat-scented surroundings. I think they enjoy their new array of hiding places though.
Though Mother's Day was mostly taken up by moving, it was still a nice day. I got some chocolate and roses, and a certificate to get a pair of shoes of my choosing from this hip little shoe store. Excellent! Q was having a rough time throughout the move. He fussed a lot, and it was quite a challenge juggling everything. Now, we are in though, and we don't have to worry about it for three more years!
Big changes at work today. I won't go in to detail, but there is a shuffle in leadership. It makes me feel a little uneasy, but I am assuming everything will shake out fine. It all remains to be seen.
yeah for Pumpkin. I think I would refuse to leave until my cat was found...but then, I'm crazy.