Q has been a little cranky lately. He wants to be constantly held and is developing his own tiny attitude. He throws things to the side when he doesn't want them and pushes us away. Where is my sweet little cherub? I guess he is testing his independence. He just let out a frustrated cry as if to prove my point.
All right, back from a brief break to kiss on him and put him down for a nap. T took Q to a doctor's appointment to see if another ear infection was causing his irritability. He is healthy, thankfully, but just attitudinal apparently.
When we moved into our current home, the yard was a bit embarrassing. The lawn was overgrown and large bushes were taking over the front porch. T and I spent some time cleaning things up this weekend. He mowed and watered, and I hacked at the bushes. We both pulled out foot-tall weeds, put up hanging plants and bought two chairs and a table for the front porch. It is so refreshing now, and I must say I am pretty proud of how it looks. T struggled with a screen door for most of the weekend, and it is now mostly installed. I don't know what makes it so difficult, but he assures me it is.
I also spent some time working on Q's scrapbook. Now, I am not a crafty person by nature, but I am trying to be one for Q's sake. I don't know how people can find this soothing. I get impatient and just want to be finished. I dutifully go to Michael's and pick out my paraphernalia and document Q's first tooth and haircut. It looks pretty nice, I must say. I am finding my inner craftiness.
Q also had his one-year old picture appointment this weekend. The Sears photo ladies were quite snooty to us. We were ten minutes late, which is our own fault. They almost turned us away, but we are seasoned pros at this and get in and out in under an hour, so we convinced them to take us. One of the women spent the whole time chatting on her cell phone, so I'm not sure exactly what she was so busy with. We got some cute pictures, despite the rudeness, including one in which Q is balancing tentatively against a large number 1. One year already. Amazing!
Trouble with screen doors runs in the family! Glad you guys are all settled in to your new house, I can't wait to see it!
ReplyDeleteQ is so freakin' cute!
ReplyDeleteI am the same way with scrapbooking. I like the idea of it... but I find it too frustrating. Luckily, my grandma is making it her life's mission to complete one for Polly.
Oh, and Polly's one-year pics are my favorite so far. She was far too preoccupied with the toys and kids in the waiting room during her 18-month shoot. Yeah. I'm not sure if I'll even attempt the 2-year ones.
hmmm...wonder where that attitude gene came from?!