Our hair was inky bluish-black. It was witch-like and jarring. It looked like we were wearing wigs. We spent the next hour in the shower washing over and over, but the color was deep set. My roommate's mother was horrified, and she ended up going through an extensive bleaching and re-dyeing process. As for me, I wore my hair up a lot that year and then cut it short.
That was my last experience with dyeing my hair myself, but hair dye has been an integral part of my life for many years. My hair is very dark brown and gray hairs stand out like spotlights. I got my first gray hair in high school, and now I have a few dozen. I am determined to cover those up, at least until I feel like I should have gray hair.
I started getting highlights in college. Then my hair would get progressively lighter, so I would get a dark brown base and highlights on top. That means $150+ and hours in the salon chair. I recently decided to forgo the highlights. They are just too much work to keep up. You are a slave to them. And you are self-conscious about them when they grow out an inch.
I am growing my hair out right now, am much less concerned about my appearance since I am not in the public eye anymore, and don't feel like I can justify hundreds of dollars every month. So, despite my disastrous first experience with hair color out of a box, I decided to take the plunge again.
Yesterday I stood in the aisle at Target and contemplated the rows of boxes featuring smiling women with glossy locks. Was I dark ash brown or just dark brown? Should I get the $2.99 box or splurge on the $9.99? I ended up with Loreal Preference dark ash brown and headed for the checkout line.
Last night I pulled on my gloves and squirted the pungent goo in my hair. I waited exactly 25 minutes and then rinsed, hoping I wouldn't experience a repeat of my previous experience when I looked in the mirror.
I blow-dried my hair to get the exact shade and........
I have spent many years in a love-hate relationship with dyeing my hair, but I think we have finally made peace.
Funny you should mention this. I am reluctantly going to the salon tomorrow to spend $150+tip for a touch up and cut. Now that I have gray hair streaming in (especially where I part my hair) I can't go longer than 5-6 weeks max. I just don't want to do it anymore. Truthfully, I would miss not having the highlights/lowlights. My stylist earns every penny, but I can't stand taking half a day off from work, and paying a boatload of $$. Frustrating.... I may be hitting the color aisle in Target soon.