There's the decorating, the card-writing, the shopping, the wrapping, the planning, the cooking. The days quickly slip by and the calendar edges ever closer to December 25th. This year is a bit more complicated as we are flying east to visit T's family. That adds organizing, packing, and traveling to the to-do list. Should I wrap packages and check them in a piece of luggage? Should I carry them on and wrap them there? Should I ship? What to get all my sister's little boys? Stressful.
Gluttons for my punishment that we are, we added a cocktail party to the mix. It is this Friday, so I am planning the food and drinks and gearing myself up for a major housecleaning.
We are chugging along nicely toward the deadline. The tree is up, the stockings are hung, the cards are done and on their way, about half the gifts are purchased and a few are even already wrapped. I do feel a lot of satisfaction as I cross things off my list, ahead of schedule. I feel like I am in control when I complete my cards and stick on every last stamp.
But what if I didn't get it all done? Would it really matter? Though I enjoy most of the trappings of the holidays, I often wish it were all a little simpler. I could make this change myself of course, but I find myself swept along on the tide of tinsel, twinkling lights, and mall bargains, and I can't seem to pull myself out.
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