It feels like Sunday. I am going to be discombobulated this week. Plus, I start my new schedule of 10 classes, some at 11:15 am some days, 11:30 others. Some Monday and Wednesday, some just Monday. I know something is going to go terribly wrong. I am excited though. I am ready to be busy and productive again.
There are things I miss about my old career and small reasons I would possibly return to it if the right opportunity arose. I like the excitement of it. I like feeling like I am good at something. I like doing a job that is valuable and interesting. But there are a long line of things I didn't like, and one of those was crystal clear today. This is the first time I haven't worked on Labor Day since I started working. It was a refreshing change to just have today off and to do what the rest of the world has been doing all this time: spending time with family. We went over to my parents, stuffed ourselves and watched the boys play.
It was a fun, easy, enjoyable weekend. I think I could get used to this.
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