I have previously mentioned my absolute distaste for yard work and gardening. But this Spring I decided, I would fight my instincts and dig my hands in the dirt. Of course I had to take baby steps as we live in a rented town home and can't exactly dig up the grass. That was fine by me though, as I wasn't ready to fully commit to the gardening process.
My mom the true master gardener, helped me plant containers of flowers, herbs, tomatoes, beans and peas. I dutifully watered them (with just a few days of shriveled dryness mixed in) and fed them with Miracle Gro. Now, I am reaping my harvest.
It is not exactly vast I realize, but it is tasty. Those little cherry tomatoes are a sweet burst of flavor and the snap peas are crisp and delicious.
We have an abundance of herbs, and I have been using the basil and parsley regularly. I have a bumper crop of mint though I don't have many things to use it in. You can only have so many mojitos! My cilantro unfortunately went to seed, and I love that herb so I won't let that happen next time.
Dozens of tomatoes are hanging from the vine ready to turn red. I can't wait to pick them! It is so fulfilling to eat something you grew.
Our front porch is filled with color from the robust flowers overflowing their containers.
So, I am a gardening convert. I will never be like my mom or sister with a huge yard packed with plants. Just the thought of all that watering and weeding tires me. But I think I will graduate to a few raised beds when we have our own yard again.
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