Soon I will wean him from nursing and start to transition to whole milk. I was more than ready for this stage with Q. I was anxious to leave behind my days of pumping in the handicap bathroom stall. Now with R I am not pumping so I am not necessarily itching to wean. Besides, it's a strong bond between R and me.
R is a mama's boy through and through, and I just love it. I don't want to him to grow out of babyhood and nursing and lose his devotion to his mama. I love how he crawls across the room to pull up on my jeans. Or how he strains and squirms to look for me when he hears his voice. Seeing his face break into that snaggle-toothed smile when he sees me makes me melt. You absolutely can't beat it.
We have a special connection that no one else can tap into. I hope it is not limited to these early years and is a lifelong bond. I just don't want to breastfeed that long.
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