I had to work yesterday on Thanksgiving Day, which made me happier to be leaving my job and no longer working on holidays. However, we still had a nice dinner with turkey (for T), tofu (for me), stuffing, sweet potatoes, spinach salad, and rolls.
The boys all came up to the station later with pumpkin pie and coffee. T cut us huge wedges, and we topped them with an obscene amount of whipped cream. Q apparently inherited our appreciation of pie and was asking for a slice all day. He usually eats the whipped cream in one giant mouthful and then asks for more.
This morning, I decided it was entirely appropriate to have pie for breakfast. Two pieces in fact. It does have vitamin A right? Q has to keep a constant dialogue going from the time he wakes up, and as is the specialty of young children, must point out all embarrassing details.
"Mama havin' pie breakfast?"
"Yes, Mama is having pie for breakfast."
I go to help myself to another slice.
"Mama havin' mo' pie?"
"Yes, Mama is having more pie. For god's sake, Mama likes pie and if Mama wants two slices for breakfast, that's what she is going to do. Are you calling your Mama fat?"
I just thought the last part. I didn't actually say it. Kids have an annoying/endearing way of calling you out on things you normally try to sneak by unnoticed.
We had leftover pumpkin cake for breakfast this morning.