When we moved out here, T followed my job and then had to make his own way. Now the tables will be turned. Our family is now following his job because it will be financially secure and stable. It is the smart thing to do, but it still makes me feel a little ungrounded. What will I do now? Do I stay home with the children? Do I work part time? Do I start a different career? Do I try to continue my current career just several rungs lower? It is a frightening position, but somewhat exciting.
I now question my college degree. I have two bachelor's degrees actually, journalism and Spanish, but my Spanish is incredibly rusty and my journalism is so specialized. As I was looking through job listings this week, I felt very unqualified. Oh how I wish I knew how to use a computer much better or was a nurse or something. That sure would make life easier.
A new chapter of our life will begin soon. It is hard to picture what it will look like, but I am ready for the change. I am itching to leave my current job, and curious to see what a new city will be like. I am sad as well to leave our childcare provider, our house, and the friends we have made. There is plenty of time to get used to the idea and hopefully to figure out what I will do next.
So exciting! I can't wait to find out where :)
ReplyDeleteOh, yes. Change is so exciting -- and terrifying!
ReplyDeleteI have found that a journalism degree (along with news experience) is a lot less specialized than it seems. A lot of companies, agencies, etc., see it as evidence that you're skilled in writing, researching, speaking, managing your time, and judging tough situations. I think a lot of it depends on how you sell it in your resume.
If you want to keep doing the same thing, let me know where you are going -- I still have a lot of contacts in the biz. :) I also know a few people who have moved into PR.