I thoroughly believe babies teach you patience. Babies of all types, not just humans. This proved true as I was changing Q yesterday. He started a screaming session, writhing around and fighting me tooth and nail. As I tried to distract him, wipe his bum, and wedge a new diaper underneath him, Ruby the dachshund puppy pooped behind us and then proceeded to start eating it. I felt a surge of frustration boiling up inside and then immediately buried it, scooped up the dog poop and fastened on Q's new diaper. Whew. I feel like I am getting better at this. I am coming to realize that if you get frustrated, your problem still remains. You can get mad, but then you have to just get over it and tackle the issue. Might as well not slow yourself down.
The contractor came today and started on our floor. I had to make dinner around the couch in our kitchen, but it is worth it. They got about a third of the way through. I am excited to see it finished.
T told our daycare provider last night about the switch to a new provider. I guess she took it well but seemed sad. I am glad that is out of the way. It's not easy though.
See, I thought I was a very patient person... UNTIL I had a toddler. Turns out, I didn't know the meaning of the word!