Raising a puppy is not easy. I have forgotten how challenging it was to take care of our first cat as a kitten. She would suck on my hair and purr in my ear all night. That might sound enticing, but it really wasn't.
We are trying fruitlessly to crate train Ruby. She is a skinny, tiny thing and shivers in the crate and hates it. We stuck her in there for two nights, and she created such a racket whining and howling, she woke up Q. There was quite a chorus of mad babies in the house. For the last two nights, she has slept in our bed. Training is going great.
I am afraid we are going to roll over and squish her. I never wanted to sleep with Q in the bed for that reason. Last night there were two tall humans (one pregnant), a cat, and a puppy in our double bed. It was quite crowded.
She also hates going outside in the cold and strains on her leash and shivers. So far she has just been peeing and pooping on the ground. Again, training is going great. I like the ease of cat training. Can a dachshund be litter box-trained?
She and Q are buds though. She is right at his side biting on his toys as he plays with them. They may a pretty cute pair.
She begins puppy school this weekend. I think maybe T wishes I had gotten a receipt for his Christmas present.
I empathize. I'm still debating whether to keep the foster pit bull that I'm pretending is a poodle. Try training 75# of muscle. At least she's okay in a crate, housebroken, and okay in the yard during the day (w/ dogloo). At night, the study is her castle and she sleeps in the crate w/ the door open. If I could, I'd love to litter box train her, but, as it is, she already eats whatever's in there when I'm not looking (ewwwww).