I watched my husband today go up to get in the shower at 9:30 and walk out the door 20 minutes later. All he has to do is shower, shave a very small surface area, get dressed, and pull a comb through his hair. My version of getting ready is a long involved process. I treasure the weekends when I only wear powder and mascara and pull my hair into a ponytail. But, my job requires full, perfect makeup and blown-dry and styled hair every.....single....day. I can't just show up in a pony tail and chapstick. I can't tell you how tired I get of pulling out that blow dryer. If I could have two wishes, one would be to have that cool Jetsons machine where you try out different looks and then transform yourself with the click of a button. And the other would be teleportation. I can't stand traffic either.
Anyway, my point is I love being a woman, and most of the time I like getting dressed up and putting on makeup and wearing heels, and I am glad I get to be the one to have the baby, but geez, some mornings I just wish I was a dude. How much of my life has been spent shaving, tweezing, and mascara-applying?
T is going to a special assignment tomorrow to cover this massive anti-terrorism drill about four hours away. I will come in and work during the day while he goes to cover this big, cool story. I have mentioned this before, but I felt a twinge of it again. When we had Q, I lost a lot of the cool, fun parts of our job like going away for stories. T hasn't had to give much of this up. I am certainly willing to make sacrifices for our family, but I was a bit envious today. Sometimes you miss being able to go do something spectacular at the drop of a hat.
nah nah. No empathy here, as I sit in chapstick and ponytail, pondering my next drop-everything trip :-) Kidding. I actually put on a suit today for a luncheon, but made it out the door in 25 minutes. And the best plans I have involve a training run. *sigh*
ReplyDeleteI have to say I feel bad you have to do that every morning. I just said to my roommate today that I just don't care what I look like going to work anymore....as I wrapped my sopping wet hair up into a clip and walked out the door. But if it makes you feel any better, everytime I look in the mirror now I say "ick..." and you get to look at a perfectly polished and put together face :)
ReplyDeleteit could be worse...you could be a stripper. Then, think of the grooming ;-)