Every time we dress Q lately, it's a big production. There is a lot of squealing and twisting, and also Q doesn't like it. We have taken to strapping him in and after a quick wrestling session he is attired. However, things were easier today. It was Wacky Backwards day at my mom's group, so the kids were meant to look a mess.
I love the sweet smell and softness of babies, so I just cringe every time Q crawls off to roll in the dirt. It is just impossible to keep him clean at these play dates, so I just watch helplessly as he covers himself in dirt and then grinds it into his hair. He even managed to stain his feet with blueberries today. I need to give in to the dirtiness of boys, I guess. It just means a few rushed baths before we jet off to daycare. I don't think she would appreciate it if I deposited a Pigpen clone in her playroom.
I mentioned yesterday how annoying babies can be, but there is something much more annoying.

Especially the one of the right. I was trying to catch a quick nap this afternoon for about half an hour, and that cat is purr machine. She kept laying on my chest and rubbing against my cheeks and my hands. That is a needy cat. I was close to throttling her, but finally she let up and did what cats do best. Napped right with me.
Don't even get me started on annoying 4legged things. If you get a big gift box with holes poked in the top, I advise you to open it quickly.