Check out this super cool shirt. Q is quite a bad ass in this isn't he? No one will be mistaking him for a girl! That happens often, by the way. Better to be a pretty boy than a manly looking girl I guess.
In this picture, you can also clearly see his foot freckle on his left foot. It has been growing slightly ever since he was born. We consider it lucky and kiss it a lot.
I had sort of a bad sleep schedule happening yesterday and today. Curse new TV shows! I stayed up late to watch the Top Design finale (which was pretty anticlimactic) and then the first episode of Shear Design. I consumed copious amounts of cheese as well. Why do I buy it? I know I will just gorge on it! I fell asleep in full makeup half way through Shear Design and woke up at 7 a.m. with my hard contacts suctioned to my eyes and my chest engorged, because I didn't pump before I feel asleep. Sigh. I switch back and forth between highly-disciplined over-achiever and lazy waste of space. I guess I average out to a normal person.

This morning, I was back into my disciplined routine and managed to run a bit and clean up the house. Q takes FOREVER now to eat since he insists upon feeding himself every morsel. It used to be a pretty quick process to feed the little guy, but now he must carefully and awkwardly maneuver every morsel of banana to his mouth. It's messy but amusing to watch. In other feeding developments, he has learned how to wrangle his bottle. He has been holding it for a few weeks, but he finally realized when he is sitting he must tilt his head back to get the payoff. Except for the not talking or crawling, he is a certified baby genius! Way to go Q!
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