We had an interesting week and weekend. We signed all our papers for both houses Friday. Our sellers had an appointment to sign Saturday at 4:30. We sat with baited breath to see if they would show. They did, and eventually signed after reading every word and hemming and hawing apparently. But, now the deed is done, and we should be moved within two weeks.
I have been driving by our new house and am getting excited. It is a two-story house that is actually pretty from the outside. I like our current house enough, but it is definitely a first house. I absolutely hate moving, but I am trying not to think about that too much.
It is a little disturbing to look at all the numbers when you are buying a house. It is pretty sickening to think what you would actually end up paying in total at the end of 30 years. Pretty amazing. It's about double the price of the house. We'll probably be moving again in a few years, so we won't be getting there for awhile.
Saturday morning was the March of Dimes WalkAmerica. It was a bit disorganized, but it all pulled together okay in the end. I was emceeing the event. I talked about Q who was parked next to me in his stroller. I talked about how I did the same walk a year before at the 33rd week of my pregnancy. Then five days later, I was in the hospital giving birth to a premature baby! Q clapped while I talked about him. It was a warm, sunny morning, and we enjoyed our stroll.
Saturday night, a girl from work was celebrating her birthday. About 10 people from work met for dinner. Q, T, and I met everyone at the restaurant. Q wore his first bow tie for the occasion. Quite dapper, I thought. Then, T took a tired Q home, but I stayed out. I haven't been out for quite awhile. It was so nice, really. I savored my favorite vodka tonic again and chatted with my co-workers. I felt a slight bit old in a few of the bars frequented by college students, but I think I held my own. I passed on the Johnny Walker shots though. You have to ease back into these things.
Sunday, T got us bagels. We ran some errands and looked at furniture. Then we ran pace miles, a workout from my high school track days. You run a mile at a good, strong pace. Then you rest and run another one. The idea is to run your miles at consistent times. T and I switched off. I ran all mine right around 7:30. I think I pushed a bit too hard, because I felt a little sick after doing four, but it was nice to burn off some alcohol calories from the night before.
We are planning a Cinco de Mayo open house for Q's first birthday this weekend. I am having a hard time finding the balance between celebrating a major milestone for my son and throwing this festive celebration that no one really cares about. It's tricky, isn't it? I figured an open house was the simplest compromise.